Sunday, October 9, 2016

I Can Not Believe It! #2

What the heck is Fall?! Here in Florida, this strange thing called seasons are almost non-existent. It seems as if it's summer all year 'round. The only thing we may experience as the year progresses is some slightly cooler weather. But, hey! I'm not complaining here. Even though I may not get to see the beautiful leaves change, I still get to take my daughter outside into some nice cozy weather. I still get to let her comfortably play the days away almost all year long. That's gotta mean something, right?

And thank goodness I survived the craziness that was Hurricane Matthew. Boy, was that scary. Of course, I am on the far West coast so we weren't directly in it's path but that doesn't mean it didn't have me at least a little worried. Floridians usually hear the word "hurricane" and think "Yea, ok, rain.  So what?" but this big ol' storm left a lot of people concerned. However, we survived! Take that, Hurricane Matthew!

Now, as a mom about to give birth in a week, I love all things mommy/baby right now! Cosmopolitan recently released this article, Benefits of Breastfeeding for Moms and I was all over that. Everyone always talks about how it is just so good for baby and there are so many healthy reasons to breastfeed for the baby. I don't ever see much about what it does for us moms. It was quite nice and a little refreshing to see this article and I can't wait to put it's points to the test!

What is something that has made you say "I Can Not Believe It!" this week? 

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