Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Petrified of Boobies: My Fears of Breastfeeding

So. Let me just start by saying, I have Gestational Diabetes. And what that means is that I have to watch how much sugar and carbs I eat while pregnant. It's only during pregnancy and goes away immediately after.

However. Now that I've had that, my baby is now at a higher risk for diabetes later on in her life.

BUT! I can reduce the risk, under one condition: I have to breastfeed.

Fine, that's no problem. I didn't breastfeed my first for a few different reasons but I'm not totally against it. I am more than happy to give my baby a chance at better health by breastfeeding.

I'm scared to do it, though.


I am a Wimp. Yes, with a super capital 'W'. I know things are going to be so tender and sensitive. It is no help to hear that I am going to cry on the inside every feeding for the first couple of weeks. Joy. It's going to be hard, I'm sure. But in all honesty. That is at the bottom of my list of fears for this whole situation. In my opinion, the pain will be worth the health benefits. Those alone will definitely out way any level of pain or tenderness I may feel.


I'm more worried about other things. For one, I'm already a super modest person. Sure, I wear skin tight leggings, but I never wear shorts. None of my shirts are low cut. I always layer up with a tank top underneath to prevent any chance of people being able to see through. Even during the Florida Summer days.

Shoot, I don't even walk around my own house naked. I'm just not that kind of person. It makes me uncomfortable to not be covered up in some sort of tee shirt and leggings combo.

So, to be out and about one day and have to whip out my boob is going to be quite the adjustment. But it will need to be done. My baby will come before ANYONE ELSE's comfort level. Including my own.


And that leads me to my next major point. I am scared to death for someone to come up and shame me. I shouldn't feel that way! I shouldn't have to be scared of what people are going to say about something so flipping natural. But I know it's going to happen. It's bound to happen. And I need to mentally prepare myself for it.

It sucks that I basically have next to no choice on this and have to worry so much about everyone else. It's not even myself I am worried about. I am beyond excited to have made the wonderful choice to breastfeed my baby. But still so scared.

Do you have any words of encouragement? Or is this even a thing I should be worried about?! Leave a comment below of a good breastfeeding story you may want to share! It can be funny or heart-warming. I'd love to hear any good sides to this.

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